Sunday 22 April 2012

First Week Done

Hi all and congratulations for having done the first reading week of B120. I hope you feel less like tabbing yourself on your shoulders and instead simply blessed by having exposed your mind to so much of God's good Word. We don't read the Bible to do God a favour but to have him bless and teach us about his Son. So don't worry if you are behind. Stay encouraged and read what you manage.
I met lots and lots of people during the week who have started the reading. Some invited whole groups of friends to read with them. Others have adapted the reading plan according to their preference and indeed - there is much space for flexibility. It's great to see the excitement on some faces, when they realise that they can get through those 10-12 chapters in less than the time set out by the audio Bible - all without feeling rushed.

By now more than 310 people have downloaded the reading plan for B120 and another 120 people have gone for the B90. It's mainly people from the UK but this website had hits from all over the world except for the arctic poles. How cool is that!?!?!

As you will notice the header of this page will change every Sunday to show the reading of the week. I will also try and keep the audio links up to date in the right hand column. And in order to keep all of us alert while reading, there will be some posts that look at the text of the week ahead to give you confidence in the sufficiency of the Bible, give you something to think about and some encouragements.

Onward in the 2nd week!

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