"The Glory of Christ" - John Owen (abridged by J.K. Law)
page 122-123 (Banner of Truth)
"The view we have here by faith of the
glory of Christ is gathered from Scripture in bits and pieces. These bits and
pieces have to be brought together in our minds so that we may have a clear
idea of the glory of Christ. We do not have great visions of the glory of
Christ as Isaiah had under the Old Testament, and as John had on the isle of
Patmos (Isa 6:1-4, Rev 1:13-15). We do not need them. They would not help us.
"We have a more sure word of prophecy," says Peter (2 Peter 1:17-19).
One of those who did receive these glorious visions cried out, "Woe is me,
for I am undone!" The other "fell as dead at his feet". In this
life we are not able to bear such glorious visions of Christ. And as we do not
have glorious visions of him, neither do we have any new revelations of his
glory by direct inspiration. Scripture is our only blueprint of the glory of
Christ. Only in Scripture and only by
faith can we behold the glory of Christ while still in
this life.
Nor does Scripture give us an entire picture of the glory
of Christ in a single place. Nor can it do so. If all the lights in our heavens
were concentrated into one, it would not help us see better. Instead it would
blind us. So divine wisdom distributed the light into sun, moon and stars, each
giving out its own measure of light to enlighten the world. So if the whole
glory of Christ and all that belongs to that glory had been concentrated into
one description, it would have been too much for our minds to take in. We would
have been confused and bewildered rather than enlightened. So God has
distributed the light of Christ's glory through the whole firmament of the
Scriptures. Each part gives off its own light for the building up of the
church's faith. One part of Scripture describes his person and glory clearly
and plainly, whereas other parts present it in allegories conveying a heavenly
sense of them to the minds of believers. Yet other parts describe his glory in
terms of his love, his humbling himself for our salvation, his exaltation and
his power. As one star differs from another in glory, so God revealed the glory
of Christ under the Old Testament types and shadows, and more fully under the
New Testament. Glorious testimonies to these things are planted in all parts of
Scripture which we might gather as Eve might have gathered flowers in the
paradise of God."
"The Christian Ministry" - Charles Bridges
page 378
"Perhaps the most effectual discipline for this case is the inculcation of an accurate comprehension of the whole compass of Scripture, as the grand means of arriving at Christian maturity. Favouritism in Scripture is the grand parent both of heresy and instability of profession."
The Scriptures
are the library of the Holy Ghost; they are a treasury of divine knowledge.
Thomas Watson
The Scriptures
teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering and the most
comfortable way of dying.
John Flavel
Leave not off
reading the Bible till you find your heart warmed. Let it not only inform you, but enflame you.
Thomas Watson
The Scripture is
to be its own interpreter, or rather the Spirit speaking in it. Nothing can cut the diamond but the diamond;
nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture.
Thomas Watson
....MORE TO COME....
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