Sunday, 24 March 2013

Booklet alongside the Reading

After now some 2-3 read-throughs (one is currently still going), a lot of material was gathered, idea shared and new insights gained. Therefore I'm thinking about compiling a little booklet with a straight-through-the Bible reading plan inside. If you have some gems from your Bible reading, please send them in via the box below. All this will help Bible readers to keep going and stay motivated. And if there are many gems coming in then there could also be many booklets for the future, or even a daily B120 devotional...

Monday, 11 March 2013

Change of Link

Since the domain was intended for the first year of B120/B90 the link is going to change within the following 7 days because the domain subscription will end. After that you can still reach this blog via to download the reading plans etc.

UPDATE: for some reading both links still work... Although Google apps has expired the domain forwarding is still active. Who knows how long... Let's leave it for now.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

B120 Reading Plan (3rd Feb - 9th June 2013)

New Reading Plan draft is now available. 

Mind you it's very specific for our local church so there will be half the reading during a week of prayer (based around Ephesians) and Easter. Don't let this stop you from joining and use those weeks to catch up if fallen behind, if you are not part of Clubhouse Church.


  • two readings a day, both on average between 16-22 minutes long
  • NT is quite scattered to stick in some easier reading between long OT stretches
  • books are always kept together
  • it's actually 127 days long