Sunday, 25 March 2012


At the age of 67 George Müller started to read through the entire Bible 4x a year. He continued that for 25 years until his death, which means he read through the Bible more than 100 times in his life. Likewise it was said of John Bunyan, author of pilgrims progress, that his blood was "bibline". In whatever place you cut Bunyan, he bleeds the Bible because he was able to relate every situation in life back to God's word. And also Charles Spurgeon once said that he found the Bible more thrilling after having read it through 100x than at the first time. Men like these are the inspiration to read through the whole of Scripture in less than a year. B120 is a more moderate attempt to follow George Müller's example by simply trying to read through the Bible in 120 days. 

If you want to be more inspired by George Müller's great faith, prayerfulness and life, enjoy this 60 documentary "Robber of the Cruel Streets" on youtube.

The first B120 starts on the 15th of April so that lots of people can do it in community. You most read on your own and have to plan it into your day yourself but by inviting other to join B120, you can talk to people about the reading, share insights and ask your questions. According to schedule we are done by August 12th. And if we fail to get through the Bible in 120 days, then 150, 180, 200 is still great!

But maybe you are wondering what the use of all this would be. Then carry on reading about the benefits of it all and I hope it will be helpful and encouraging.

If you want to not only join the B120 challenge, but also contribute to this blog by sharing your insight gained from reading or post your question as they arise, send an email to info - at - bible-reading - dot - org or use the message button (letter) in the right hand column