Sunday 24 March 2013

Booklet alongside the Reading

After now some 2-3 read-throughs (one is currently still going), a lot of material was gathered, idea shared and new insights gained. Therefore I'm thinking about compiling a little booklet with a straight-through-the Bible reading plan inside. If you have some gems from your Bible reading, please send them in via the box below. All this will help Bible readers to keep going and stay motivated. And if there are many gems coming in then there could also be many booklets for the future, or even a daily B120 devotional...

Monday 11 March 2013

Change of Link

Since the domain was intended for the first year of B120/B90 the link is going to change within the following 7 days because the domain subscription will end. After that you can still reach this blog via to download the reading plans etc.

UPDATE: for some reading both links still work... Although Google apps has expired the domain forwarding is still active. Who knows how long... Let's leave it for now.

Sunday 20 January 2013

B120 Reading Plan (3rd Feb - 9th June 2013)

New Reading Plan draft is now available. 

Mind you it's very specific for our local church so there will be half the reading during a week of prayer (based around Ephesians) and Easter. Don't let this stop you from joining and use those weeks to catch up if fallen behind, if you are not part of Clubhouse Church.


  • two readings a day, both on average between 16-22 minutes long
  • NT is quite scattered to stick in some easier reading between long OT stretches
  • books are always kept together
  • it's actually 127 days long 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

B120, the Third...

Hungry souls are crying out for yet another B120. This time we will be starting,

Update: 3rd of February 2013

This could be your third time, second or even first time. If it is your first time then you are especially invited. Why? Because getting the big picture is most important to begin with. For more good reasons see the "Benefits" section. 

What reading plan will be used? Generally there is total freedom between everything that you can find here on the website or your own creation. But there will be one ready that is a little different to what is currently available. So much I can say already though, it's based on the B240X...

COMMUNITY: This is and has been one of the great strengths of this initiative. Therefore if you find this, are interested and would like to read and meet with others in your area, let me know and I will get a page with all the B120 group and then you can organise meeting each other, to talk about your experience of reading at that pace, spur each other on, encourage each other and share the things the Spirit has taught you.

Or use Facebook...

Saturday 25 August 2012

Reading Plans: Hebrew OT Order

Close to the second B120 starting on 1st of September one new reading plan has just been released in two different versions. It is a changed version of the 180X and 240X plans but with the OT in the original Hebrew order. 

Now what's the point of reading the Old Testament this way? Because Jesus and the apostles and the entire church who had the complete OT read it that way. It was only later changed to a different order. Is that a big problem? Not massively because it is very easy to find the original order on the internet and everyone can decide for themselves in what order he or she reads through the OT. Unfortunately not many know that there is a different order to the OT. And there are indeed advantages in reading it this way. 

Some things only really make sense when you read it the Hebrew order. For example the books of Chronicles close the canon of the OT for the Hebrew reader. That means you don't read first Kings and then straight after almost the same again in Chronicles. Instead you first go through all other writings of poetry and prophets until you get again confronted with the history of Israel. Chronicles serves as a summary of the entire Bible up to that point and through it's genealogies is focusing on the lines of Judah and Levi, the royal line and the priestly line. And as the expectations for the future Messiah are finding their climax we find both lines coming together in Jesus, the King-Priest who fulfills both in himself. 
And not only does Chronicles belong at the end of the OT, it was also written last. That can be seen that 2 Chronicles 36 makes mention of the return of the exiles who were now in need to be reminded of their identity since the entire generation grew up in exile, far away from their home land. And it explains the prophetic insights that it includes and which we don't find in 1 & 2 Kings. And the kings of Israel don't even appear in the story line, as they do in the book of the Kings, because they have nothing to do with the line of Jesus, which is rooted in Judah. 

So if you would like to have a look at the OT from the angle of Jesus and the apostles, feel free to download the reading plans below. 

Sunday 19 August 2012

First B120 Completed!

Hi everyone,
the first Bible in 120 days read-through has been completed on the 12th of August. But quite a few people (including myself) have finished a little later or are still in the final lines of the reading plan. That is perfectly ok since the the schedule is only an orientation and to keep synced with the other readers.

Now the question is who people found this reading experience. Those testimonies would be useful for those who are intrigued about the value of reading through the Bible 3x faster than average. Does it really make a difference to read bigger chunks daily? Was it like rushing through the Bible? How long did people take to read their daily passages? Would you do it again?

Especially the last question is answered in that some who have heard about B120 half way through would like to do it for the first time now. Since 120 days fit into a year 3 times, the next B120 will start on 1st of September. At the same time there can be a parallel B90 reading stream starting on 1st of October. That would result in the following starting dates through every year.

B120:  1st of Jan, 1st of May, 1st of September
B90:    1st of Jan, 1st of April, 1st of July, 1st of October

And again their is complete flexibility as well. For example doing a B90 only on 1st of Jan and July and then leaving the two in between for catching up or unstructured Bible reading.

Would it not be amazing if in a not to distant future there would be enough people committed to this reading pace that there are always some people doing one of the following reading times so that one is never alone? Unthinkable? But surely; whoever has tasted the goodness of the Word of God by eating a little more honey everyday, why would you go back

Wednesday 23 May 2012

New Reading Plan (B240X & B180X)

It's week six of B120 and I hope people are keeping up with the reading. If not then still keep it up as you can and as time permits. Trying to catch up can be a real slave master and that's not what it is about.

Meanwhile the feedback of the last months has led to the creation of a new reading plan. It's quite different than what I've seen so far so hopefully it will fill those gaps that keep people from reading and gets them into the Word. However I couldn't come up with a fitting name for it because it's so flexible. I just called it Bible X because X stands for